接触 グループ ヘルプ

New Orleans

オートバイとスクーターのレンタル New Orleans

発見する New Orleans レンタルバイク付き

New Orleansでバイクを借りたいですか?もう探す必要はありません! New Orleansでのバイクのレンタルは、日、週、月単位で利用できます。 New Orleansでのバイクのレンタルを選ぶのはこれまでになく簡単です。

さまざまな種類のバイクから選びましょう。とても簡単です:理想のバイクを見つけ、ウェブを通じて予約して支払います。あなたのペースでNew Orleansを発見する準備をしてください。


Louisiana is a state of the United States of America located in the south of the country. Its capital is Baton Rouge, but its best known city is New Orleans. It is a state with a lot of cultural diversity, known throughout the world for jazz music, its gastronomy, architecture, art and its many celebrations. Undoubtedly, discovering it on a motorcycle or scooter will be the best option.

Here are some tips on how to rent your motorcycle or scooter in Louisiana:

When presenting your motorcycle license in Louisiana, check that your country of origin has a reciprocity agreement with the United States of America (Geneva Pact 19-Sep-1949) and that it is equivalent to the license of your country. In this case it is always recommended to carry an international driver's license.

All motorcycles have third-party insurance and most include helmets and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Upon your arrival at our rental center, we ask you to show the documentation and we invite you to sign the rental document in your name.

What do I need to rent a motorcycle in Louisiana?

If your driver's license is European or from another country, and you want to rent a motorcycle up to 125cc, we recommend that you carry an international driver's license.

Are the motorcycles insured?

All motorcycles have third party insurance and most include cases and rear trunk included or with additional payment.

Make your motorcycle rental in Louisiana a safe experience:

Upon signing the contract, we request a damage excess deposit charged to your credit card that we return upon completion. It is essential that you have a credit card, we accept the usual Visa or MasterCard and to a lesser extent Amex.

All motorcycles have security measures, many of them satellite tracking devices and optional padlocks.

What is it like to ride a motorcycle in Louisiana?

Driving through Louisiana is not very difficult, thanks to the good condition of its roads and the respect that the inhabitants have towards traffic regulations. To get around the state, highways are the best and fastest option, some have up to 10 lanes. In New Orleans, traffic is often heavy, especially at rush hour. Most intersections are marked with a stop or traffic light and priority is given to whoever arrives first. The speed limit in urban areas is 30 mph (45 km/h), on secondary roads 55 mph (89 km/h) and on Interstate 70 (113 km/h). The use of the helmet is mandatory.

What are the advantages of riding a motorcycle in Louisiana?

Driving a motorcycle through Louisiana is undoubtedly an incredible experience and the best way to move around the entire state in an easy and fast way. You can modify the route whenever you want, it is much cheaper than renting a car and you will not have problems parking, thanks to the free areas set up for motorcycles.

If you arrive to the city by plane, we will deliver your motorcycle or scooter with a small supplement at its main airport: Louis Armstrong International Airport

If you arrive by train and prefer to pick up your motorcycle at your own hotel, we deliver and pick up where you prefer.

What tourist attractions in Louisiana can I visit by motorcycle?

New Orleans is the best-known city in Louisiana, thanks to its wide variety of tourist attractions. In the city you can visit the French Quarter on a motorbike, where the famous buildings with wrought iron balconies and its main street, Bourbon Street, stand out.

You can stroll along the banks of the Mississippi River, visit St. Louis Cathedral, and enjoy the street performers at Jackson Square. Visiting the Treme neighborhood, strolling through the Garden District and Canal Street are other essential activities to do.

Outside the city, you will have to visit the Plantation Country, traveling on a motorbike the scenic Byway; the Bayou Country in Houma, the Emerald Mound, Lafayette and Natchez.

Do not say goodbye to the state, without trying its most typical food such as: Po'boys or Beigent. Neither, without enjoying its carnival, frog exhibitions and venues with live music.

All in all, riding a motorcycle or scooter in Louisiana is a completely safe and certainly unforgettable experience.


バイクに乗ってNew Orleansでアクセルを踏んでみてください!




バイクのスピリットを呼び覚ますバイクを選び、予約を行います。あなたの情報を入力し、所有者の合図を待って、次の冒険をNew Orleansで始めましょう。




さあ、風と自由の感触に身を委ねてください。 New Orleansでのレンタルバイクと共に旅を楽しんでください。




供給業者と彼のバイクを評価してください。あなたの意見は、このグループのつながりを強化します。覚えておいてください、オーナーもあなたを注意深く見ています。New Orleansでのバイクレンタルでスタイリッシュに移動しましょう!

なぜNew Orleansのバイク冒険において当社を選ぶべきか?


当社の一流のバイクとスクーターの優れたラインナップで、スタイリッシュにNew Orleansを巡る。BMW、ハーレーダビッドソン、ヤマハ、ホンダといった、夢の2輪ワンダーチームをご紹介します。各バイクはVIPの扱いを受け、New Orleansやそれ以上の曲がり道を走行する際には、安全性と快適さが確保されます。









オートバイ旅行 Louisiana
